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Drive Team / Analysts

Before the first competition, the drive team and/or analysts need to define what data elements they want the scouts to be collecting. During competitions, drive team members and competitive analysts are the primary customers of the data collected by the scouts - they want information about alliance members and opponents before upcoming qualifying matches, and they need overall information about teams ahead of (and during) alliance selection.

General data analytics notes

  • Often the drive team and/or analysts will want to slim down the number of columns being displayed by default in the charts, graphs, etc. Go into “Configure report columns” to set the defaults for your team.
    • You’ll probably want to winnow down the default columns to the key indicators, particularly derived values which group together multiple measurements. ‘contributedPoints’ should be there!
    • For readability you probably want to keep the number of default displayed columns to around 16 or fewer
    • Note, individual users can customize their own selections, adding or removing columns, etc.
  • Almost everything in the reports and charts is clickable!
    • The headers on most tables will cause the table to be sorted by that column
    • Or links will click into views for a team (if you click on a team #) or for a specific metric (if you click on a metric name)

Specific really useful reports/pages

  • The “Drive Team Dashboard” shows data for the upcoming match (either the next match coming up, or the next match for the selected team [e.g., YOUR team])
    • The next match shows which teams are on the two alliances. If a specific team was selected in the drop-down, that team gets highlighted with arrows.
    • Assuming the match data schema includes a ‘contributedPoints’ calculation, then [once there is enough data] the app will predict which alliance will win (with a percentage confidence level) and predict what the match scores will be (plus/minus a standard deviation).
    • The two radar/spider charts show at-a-glance relative comparisons of the two alliances. The values get scaled where zero radius = the lowest value in that category from the six teams and full radius = the highest value from the six teams. Note, you can toggle team charts on/off by clicking on the team number in the chart legend.
    • The heat map is the same data but shows the actual values in each category for each team. The colors are relative to all teams in the competition - bright green is highest, dark red is lowest.
    • Below that the app will list future matches (if any)
  • Usually clicking on a team number will take you to the overall “Team Intel” page for that team
    • There will be a picture of the robot (hopefully) at the top of the page and three “twisty” sections
    • “Show pit scouting” will display the Q&A from the pit scouting process
    • “Show statistics” shows a heat map with values for that team for every metric in the schema - their minimum, average, “variance” (how ‘swingy’ their data is), and maximum. The heat map is colored showing how the team compares to other teams at that event.
    • “Show previous matches” will show summaries of the matches that the team has been in so far - who won, scores, ranking points, etc. If you’re “logged in” you’ll aso see a summary of the comments the scouters entered in ‘other notes’.
  • The “Metrics for All Teams” page will show a large heat map table of every team crossed with every selected metric column
    • This page is best viewed on desktop, a tablet, or a phone turned sideways.
    • You can click on column headers to sort up/down on any given metric - you can also sort by team number or current event ranking.
    • You can also toggle whether the heat map is showing teams’ average values, or the maximum value they have attained in any given match.

Alliance selection

  • Ahead of alliance selection… If you’re logged in as an org. user, you can access the “Alliance Selection Data” page. This is an extension of the “Metrics for All Teams” page, where there is an additional set of ‘Priority’ controls.
    • Teams you want to emphasize as picks/etc., click on the “+” button one or more times (more gives a higher ‘V’ score)
    • Teams you want to de-emphasize as picks, click on the “-” button
    • You can sort by the ‘V’ score by clicking on that header
  • Right before alliance selection starts… To handle (or follow along with) alliance selection, load the dynamic “Alliance Selection” page
    • Once loaded the page is independent of server connectivity. Don’t hit reload or the back button!
    • You can sort the data by ranking, any metric, or the ‘priority’ value (“V”)
    • A lighter-gray highlight shows which slot is currently being filled in. When a team is picked for that slot, click on their entry in the list of alliance captains on top (or more often) the grid of team numbers in boxes. If/when they accept, click on the current slot and that team will move into that slot… and then the next available slot will be highlighted.
    • Teams which are unavailable to be selected (because they already got selected, etc.) get grayed out in the data table below.
    • If you make a mistake, or if you’re pre-selection gameplanning, or whatnot, you can undo one or many ‘moves’ by clicking the “Undo” button on the screen.
scoutradioz/howto_driveteam_analyst.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/10 21:25 by

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