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Using the manual data entry pages if an event isn't updating on TBA

Some off-season events do not fully (or even partially) sync up to 'frc-events' [which is the sources that The Blue Alliance (TBA) gets their data from].

  • For these events, it might be necessary to enter some or all of the data elements into Scoutradioz - team lists, match schedule, match results, etc.

Additionally, the frc-events API has been experiencing some serious issues and delays in the 2024 season. As of the latest update to this doc (2024-03-26), events appear to be getting the team lists and match scheduled synced up, but results are being delayed.

  • In the latter case, teams using SR can (and should) manually fill in the match results so the platform is kept up-to-date (and later on when frc-events & TBA finally does sync, those updates will flow into SR)

Getting an off-season which is on FRC Events to show up in TBA

If an off-season event is appearing in the FRC Events dataset but is not (yet) appearing in The Blue Alliance, you can request it be added to TBA here:

Once an event is synced to TBA, it will also get synced into Scoutradioz.

Manually editing the data

You can find the manual data edit pages from the 'Manage' page (available to logged-in users who are “Team Admins”)

  • You can add or update the list of teams to “true up” who is actually there (vs. who had originally signed up)
  • Enter the full match schedule when you get it, if not available on TBA
  • Enter match results as the quals are completed.
    • If possible, keep the results data entry tab open! If you add to or change the schedule, it'll wipe out the results so if you have that tab still open you can just click Submit again
  • After the last qual result is entered, get the official rankings for at least ranks 1-16 and use the Adjust Rankings page to true up the rankings in SR so they match the official rankings

Handling non-TBA teams at offseason events

Scoutradioz is designed to pull in not only the match schedule from TBA (which is getting it from FRC Events), but it also pulls in information about the competing teams.

This can pose a challenge if there are teams at an offseason which are (a) “B” squads of teams competing with another robot, or (b) are newly created and not yet appearing in FRC Events.

The suggestion in these cases are to enter other existing teams which are numerically 'similar' to the actual teams; use the substitute numbers when entering the schedule; and instructing scouts to (if they are assigned a number they don't see on the field) to look for the 'similar'-numbered bot. For example:

  • At THOR West in TBA, there were five 'filler' (“Off-season Demo”) teams listed - 9980, 9982, 9985, 9990, and 9992
  • On the other hand, these teams were registered for THOR West but didn't appear in TBA - 9559, 2724, 10077, 10060, and 10107
  • We suggested the following…
    • 9559 would be okay to use (they were in TBA)
    • Put 10077 in as “9077 The Crown”
    • likewise put in 10060 as “9060”, and 10107 as “9107”
    • Put in 2724 as “2725 Ice Princesses”
    • If there were any other 'B' teams, put them in as the next highest number (similar to 2724 → 2725 above)

For the above it was recommended that they tell scouts that if they don't see a team on the field with the exact number they are assigned to, then either [a] look for a team on the field with their assigned number but 1 or 2 numbers lower (or) [b] if they have a 9xxx number and don't see it, look for a 10,000-team with the same (or very similar) xxx last 3 numbers.

Workaround for semi-finals and finals matches

If you want to add in playoff matches…

  1. Remember to keep the results entry page open in a separate tab
  2. Add the sf & f matches as new quals, maybe on “Day 5”, make the times show the match number (e.g. 1:06 PM for SF#6, 1:07 PM for SF#7, etc.) as those alliances get allocated
  3. And immediately re-submit the results page (which you're keeping open in a new tab) each time after submitting the added matches
scoutradioz/howto_manual_data_entry.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/11 15:06 by

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