Table of Contents
How to handle team management and administration
Team administrators handle setting up user accounts for the team as well as setting up the organizational information about the team - what are the subteams on the team, what are the ‘seniority’ levels, and so forth.
Using or customizing the scouting forms
Check out how to customize your Pit and Match scouting forms. You can look at examples of form definitions in the archive (including forms for this year); these can be used as-is, or as a starting point for further customization.
Setting up how the team is organized
The first thing team management needs to do is identify how the team is going to be organized in the application, via the “Organization setup” interface
- Every user in the organization will be associated with a “subteam”
- Keep in mind that your org will likely have logins for people beyond just the team members - probably mentors & advisors, possibly parents, alumni, maybe ‘guest’ accounts if you want to allow folks from other teams to work with your team, and so forth
- Folks who are assigned to subteams which are identified as true for 'Pit scout?' will be able to be assigned to “scouting pairs” for pit scouting - and will default to being included in the match scouting rotation.
- Note, you’ll be able to choose to add additional users to match scouting rotations if more folks will be doing match scouting than you had doing pit scouting. For example, you might have one or two members from other teams helping with match scouting but maybe they wouldn’t be doing pit scouting on behalf of your team.
- Every user will also have a “class” associated with them.
- The classes are usually built around the names for the levels of schooling of the team members. E.g. in many places they use ‘freshman’, ‘sophomore’, ‘junior’, and ‘senior’
- If/when users are not typical students - pre-rookies (younger than the usual team member), or are parents or whatnot - you’ll want to create “classes” for them as well
- Each class is given a ‘seniority’ number. This number (combined with how many years someone has been on the team) is used to work out who gets the first assignments in a rotation. The philosophy of SR is to give assignments to those with lower seniority numbers & fewer years on the team.
Setting the ‘Organization’ password
To prevent user names from being visible to the public internet (and thus robots, scrapers, etc.) the application requires users to first enter an ‘organization password’ before being able to select a user ID to log in as.
- At the bottom of the “Organization setup” page is a field where you can set [or reset] the default ‘organization password’
- After selecting the ID most users will not need to enter a personal password (unless for some reason they chose to set a password for themselves - but this is usually not necessary)
- However! It is important to ask anyone with “team admin” privileges to set a personal password, just to avoid anyone else trying to log in as them and getting elevated access to the instance
Managing individual team members in the application
Each person who is going to be logged in and needs to have a unique identity (whether for tracking assignments, or getting an elevated role, etc.) will need their own user account. This is in the “Manage members” page.
- There are three (3) levels of security roles built in to Scoutradioz
- Team Admins can manage the overall organization. They can [list TBD] as well as all the things “Scouters” and “Viewers” can see & do.
- Most members will be Scouters who can see pit and match scouting slots and fill out and submit the forms. They will be able to see the protected pages that “Viewers” can see.
- You might have some users with the Viewer role, where they can’t do scouting but they will be able to see protected data (“otherNotes” entries) and pages (e.g., “Alliance Selection”)
- Existing users will be listed alphabetically by name, and grouped by permission level
- Users can be edited in place
- Edit users one at a time, and click on the ‘Update’ button for that user before editing the next one
- Add users one at a time with the fields at the bottom of the page
- Definitely make sure new “Team Admins” log in & set a password!
- “Years on team” is a numeric value used for calculating ‘seniority’ (which comes into play during scouting assignments)