Scoutradioz development
Subspace for keeping track of Scoutradioz development & administration notes.
- Planning - latest TODO items and long-term wishlists
- Technologies - overview of the major technologies used, links to documentation, etc.
- Getting started with development - how to get set up, and how to find good starter assignments/issues
- Upskilling in key technologies - if you're not familiar with some of the tech (or starting from the ground floor!) check out these self-directed upskilling options
- Testing the main web app - test cases and scripts for the main ('mothership') site,
- Testing Voyager - test cases and scripts for the Voyager PWA module,
- Deployment processes - Deploying Changes to Test, QA, and Prod
scoutradioz/programming/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/24 14:02 by