Testing the main web app pages and workflows
this page is a stub!
Brainstorming user stories…
- Logging in, authentication
- How the menus work
- Changing an org configuration - team nickname, subteams, etc.
- Managing users: Creating new users, modifying, giving permissions
- Defining pit or match scouting JSON, testing the form
- Event management - current event, present, scouting “pairs”
- Testing pit scouting
- Match scouting: scheduling matches, testing scouting dashboard, testing match scouting
- Viewing reports - soooo many reports
- Viewing audit pages
- Exporting data
- Testing multilingual stuff
Voyager user stories…
- [see Google Doc]
Global admin tasks…
- Syncing events with TBA
- Syncing teams with TBA
- Creating an org, modifying org properties
- How to test/verify/etc. to test live TBA webhooks to Production
- How to do DEV, QA, PROD deployments of “mothership” and Voyager
scoutradioz/programming/testing_webapp.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/13 13:13 by