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Scouters: How to use Voyager

See also the basics of logging in and navigation

Before going into the Faraday Cage: In case the form data has been updated (or wasn't cached), be sure to download it via the Sync page.

Receiving the Pit Scouting assignments

Use the Scouter sync menu option, “Scan” tab, to receive the list of teams and pit scouting assignments from the scouting lead.

Collecting and syncing pit scouting data

  • As you are completing pit scouting, the data is being stored on your device.
  • Periodically (or when you are done), show the QR codes for your pit scouting data to the scouting lead so they can collect the cached data on their own device and later on sync that data back to the cloud.

Collecting data and generating QR codes are covered in more detail below relating to Match Scouting.

Receiving the Match Scouting assignments

Once the scouting lead has the schedule ready, use the Scouter sync menu option, “Scan” tab, to receive the list of teams and pit scouting assignments from the scouting lead.

In the Scouter Match scouting menu option you'll see the matches where you're assigned to one of the teams (or, you can see all matches, in case you might need to cover for someone in a match where you don't have an assignment).

Scouting matches and syncing the data

Scouting operates just like on the main Scoutradioz app. When you click the button for the team you're assigned to, there will be a form with various counters, sliders, text fields, etc.

When your data collection is finished, click the Done button

  • In case there was a problem with your collection (maybe you had to divert your attention for half the match and not all of the data is there), you can click the Delete button to discard the data. Only do this if absolutely needed!

Upon clicking Done, the QR code for that match will be shown.

  • Ideally, the scouting lead will scan your QR code before the next match begins.
  • Once they've scanned your code, check the box 'Scanned by the scouting lead' so your device knows that the data has been synced.
  • You can then click on to your next assignment (or) if needed, you can go back to the overall list.

NB: It's possible the location is not completely a Faraday Cage, and perhaps your device is getting a tiny signal (or, a good signal…) In which case, your device might have already synced the data to Scoutradioz on its own. If so, you'll see the message “Data already uploaded to the cloud”.

Sometimes when a device is getting a tiny bit - but really not enough - signal, it can cause Voyager to hang for several seconds attempting to do a cloud sync. If you want to avoid delay8s from Voyager attempting cloud syncs with too-low connectivity (and stick to just sending QR codes), in the Preferences menu option uncheck the box for “Enable automatic sync”.

When your device is offline, the QR code screen will show the message “Device is offline. Data is saved locally.”

If you were unable to get the scouting lead to scan a QR code

Sometimes you won't be able to immediately share a QR code with the Scouting Lead. This is not a problem! The data will be stored safely on your device until you can sync it.

  • Any unsynced data will be displayed as a slightly-grey button with a dotted line border.
  • To sync this data at a later time, when the scouting lead is available you can go back into that record and click 'Done' again; this will re-display the QR code so it can be scanned.
scoutradioz/voyager/howto_scouting.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/11 00:45 by

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