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What is the "Voyager" offline mode?

Voyager is the name of the new PWA (Progressive Web App) functionality that has been added to Scoutradioz.

This module doesn't replace the online web interface, but rather complements it. Primarily, it is designed to work without internet connectivity - caching metadata to the device while still online, storing collected data while offline, and exchanging data between devices using QR codes.

There are broadly two modes planned for Voyager:

  1. One scenario is, “The Competition Field Is In A Faraday Cage But Connectivity Is Within Walking Distance” (or “Faraday Cage” for short).
  2. The second is, “There Is No Connectivity WIthin Walking Distance At All” (or “Signal Desert” for short)

Currently Voyager meets the needs of teams in the “Faraday Cage” scenario. (Future releases will enhance Voyager to meet the “Signal Desert” scenario!)

The Faraday Cage scenario

This is an overview of the Voyager workflows in the Faraday Cage:

  • Once at the venue, after all the teams have checked in the Scouting Lead can get to connectivity to go to AWS (aka 'The Mothership') to sync up the latest list of teams [in case the list changes - one team couldn't make it, maybe a waitlist team gets added, etc.]; assign scouting pairs to pit scouting; and download the pit scouting assignments
  • The Scouting Lead goes back to the Field & shows the pit scouting assignment QR code to all the scouts
  • The scouts do their pit scouting offline
  • Scouts send their pit scouting reports to the Scouting Lead via QR codes; Scouting Lead has all the data cached locally on their device
  • Scouting Lead can walk and get to connectivity to upload the Pit Scouting reports to The Mothership
  • Once the match schedule is released (and synced to The Blue Alliance) the Scouting Lead can get to connectivity to generate scouting assignments and download the match schedule & assignments to their device
  • The Scouting Lead goes back to the Field & shows the match scouting assignment QR code to all the scouts
  • Scouts do their match scouting offline
  • Usually after each match, the Scouting Lead scans a QR code from each scout {but this could also be done in batches}; Scouting Lead has all the data cached locally on their device
  • Scouting Lead can periodically get to connectivity to upload the latest Match Scouting reports to The Mothership
  • Scouting Lead can also access & 'cache' the latest Drive Team Dashboard page, the latest All Team Metrics page, etc. [and/or the Strategy Lead can do this, and/or the Drive Team Captain, etc.]
  • The Scouting Lead goes back to the Field & continues collecting data from the scouts
  • After quals are done, Scouting Lead gets to connectivity to upload the final batch of Match Scouting reports to The Mothership
  • Then they [or whoever as needed] can pull down and cache the latest All Team Metrics, set up Alliance Selection, etc.
scoutradioz/voyager/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/20 11:38 by

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