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What Is Scoutradioz?

Scoutradioz is an FRC scouting app developed by The Gearheads which enables teams and organizations to gather their own, customized intel at competitions.

Initially created in 2018, Scoutradioz has continued to evolve and it now runs on Amazon Web Services. Here is a list of some of the features Scoutradioz offers:

  • Modular and configurable pit & match scouting surveys, so your organization can define exactly what info you want to record and show
  • Automatic, individualized pit & match scouting assignments
  • Advanced reports and metrics
  • Event management tools such as auditing match assignments, swapping scouters in and out, and managing a list of members
  • And of course, it's completely free! Sign up for your team to use Scoutradioz

Thousands of users from hundreds of teams around the world 🌍 have altogether submitted over 100,000 scouting reports so far!


Teams can define their own Pit and Match scouting forms using low-code JSON definitions.

  • During Pit Scouting, scouts can take photos of the robots and upload them
  • These will then be used on the Match Scouting forms, to make it easier for scouts to identify the robot they've been assigned to

Advanced Analytics

Before qualifying matches, the data the scouts collect is aggregated and summarized so drive teams can strategize for their matches.

  • As soon as there's enough data, the system will also start making match predictions - historically it has been 80% to 85% accurate!

At any time during an event teams can look at all metrics for all teams in a sortable table

Follow (or simulate) Alliance Selection

You can game out how alliances might shake out using the Alliance Selection page. As teams are chosen their data rows get greyed out in the “all teams' metrics” table below.

Lots of Scouting Lead features

Scouting leads can track in real-time how well their scouts are doing - not just whether or not they've been doing their assignments (or at least, getting someone to cover for them), but also how well they've been doing using Scouter Performance Rating [“SPR”]

  • SPR measures how much error each scout might be introducing. Lower is better!

Administration and Customization

The system helps team admins with all the necessary administrative functions, including setting up per-organization customizations.


And the app has been translated into multiple languages, with more coming!

scoutradioz/what_is_scoutradioz.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/19 21:27 by

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